Welcome. My name is Gernot Huber and I teach private and group yoga classes in northern New Jersey, New York City, and online. I also teach yoga workshops and trainings worldwide, and yoga retreats in the US, Europe, and Thailand. My unique approach to yoga focuses on wellbeing through the integration of biomechanics, mindfulness, and joy.
I make visible the connections between patterns of movement, alignment, and breath on the one hand, and our mental processes on the other. By focusing on the interconnections between the physical and mental dimensions of yoga, I help you create a more holistic practice that is both more beneficial and more enjoyable. With clarity, compassion, and humor, I make my teachings accessible to students of all levels, abilities, and ages.
To find out more about my approach to yoga, read a feature article published by Shut Up & Yoga. Or you can listen to an interview with me on The Embodiment Podcast.

Upcoming Workshops and Trainings
I teach workshops and retreats focused on mindful yoga in northern New Jersey, New York City and around the world. If you would like to invite me to teach at your studio or retreat center, click here.
March 16: Hunch No More Tune-Up, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY (requires having taken a Hunch No More Workshop)
March 16: Hunch No More Workshop, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY
April 6: Hunch No More Tune-Up, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY (requires having taken a Hunch No More Workshop)
April 6: Hunch No More Workshop, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY
May 4: Hunch No More Tune-Up, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY (requires having taken a Hunch No More Workshop)
May 4: Hunch No More Workshop, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY
June 8: Hunch No More Tune-Up, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY (requires having taken a Hunch No More Workshop)
June 8: Hunch No More Workshop, Marlene Meyerson JCC, NY, NY
(Feel free to email me using the “Contact” button in the main menu if you’d like to be notified when new trainings are announced.)
Reviews on Trip Advisor
My Mindful Yoga Blog
Read about what I am focusing on in my classes this week, or search the blog for an answer to a yoga question you have.
Tune Up Your Core
Increasing core strength can transform your yoga practice, improving your balance and agility and bringing more ease to difficult poses. However, tuning up your core means more than just building strength. A well-tuned core also involves increasing core flexibility and improving the brain's ability to direct the core with ease. A radiant core can improve posture, reduce back pain, enhance your breathing and your digestion, and even increase emotional [...]
The Breath Is Enough
We typically discount the importance of the breath in our daily lives. This week, I want you to experience how central the breath is to your health. The breath is enough means that simply improving our breathing can increase our wellbeing in very concrete, measurable ways. There is data to back this up. Yogic breathing techniques have been shown to reduce stress and improve immune function. They also significantly improve [...]
My Free Yoga Videos on YouTube
Click here to watch all my free “how-to” yoga videos on my YouTube channel. Please click the “thumbs up” button for any video you enjoyed. Subscribe to my channel by clicking on the red “Subscribe” button in the target window and hit the notification bell to be notified of future videos.
To practice yoga with me online, click the subscribe button below to start your free 7-day trial.