About Gernot

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So far Gernot has created 48 blog entries.
19 02, 2023

Observe without Judging

2023-02-19T15:01:37+07:00February 19th, 2023|Tags: |

The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judging yourself.  –J. Krishnamurti We are constantly engaged in the act of observing. Typically, observing is followed immediately by judgement. The lack of separation between observing and judging causes each observation to lead directly to aversion or attachment. Aversion and attachment in turn are the root causes of suffering, [...]

6 02, 2022

Tuning Up Your Digestion

2022-02-06T16:46:14+07:00February 6th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Last week we focused on tuning up our core. This week, I want to apply some of what we have learned there to focus specifically on our digestion. A well-functioning core has tremendous benefits for your digestion. A properly functioning digestive system, in turn, is extremely important for your overall wellbeing. There are a large variety of asanas that promote [...]

17 01, 2022

What does it mean to be “good at yoga”?

2023-05-22T02:11:42+07:00January 17th, 2022|

What does it mean to be "good at yoga"? Let me throw out something potentially controversial. "Excelling at the physical practice of asana actually is a detriment in the quest to deepen your yoga practice. Being good at yoga means not distracting yourself from becoming more present in the moment with serenity." That is not to say that you shouldn't [...]

10 11, 2019

Harness the Power of Moving from the Breath

2019-11-10T19:34:47+07:00November 10th, 2019|

What makes yoga such a powerfully positive practice for both body and mind? The focus on the breath, which has the power to transform mind and body, and to strengthen the connections between both. One of the simplest ways to do this is to begin moving from the breath. The breath is the most direct link between the body, the [...]

25 11, 2018

Do Less, Feel More

2019-01-03T11:50:38+07:00November 25th, 2018|

There really isn’t much more to say than the title: Do less, feel more. It’s not about the difficulty or impressiveness of the poses you do, nor about how long you can hold them without hating them or collapsing into a heap of muscle spasms. It’s about how deeply you can get your whole being involved in each moment [...]

4 11, 2018

Minimum and Maximum Edges

2018-11-10T14:11:06+07:00November 4th, 2018|

You have probably heard a yoga teacher say something like "come to your edge, but don't overstep it". The place that is usually called "the edge" is the point along the stretch continuum beyond which you are in danger of injuring yourself, and beyond which your awareness deteriorates into an obsessive focus on whatever body part is experiencing the greatest [...]

23 09, 2018

Generating Joy

2018-11-11T06:57:45+07:00September 23rd, 2018|

Research has shown that happy emotions contribute to long-term wellbeing. But none of us wake up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed everyday. So how do you generate joy when you don't already feel joyful? One answer of course is yoga.  One secret to increase your joy is to realize that happiness is not some external quality that can be acquired. Instead, [...]

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