
4 02, 2024

Stepping into Courage with Inversions Part 2: Headstand

2024-02-05T06:55:39+07:00February 4th, 2024|Tags: |

This week we will continue with inversions, focusing on headstand. The great advantage of headstand over other inversions is that it requires less muscular effort and less precise balance. Thus it can be practiced for significantly longer time periods. This in turn increases the benefits you derive from going upside down. Headstand is also generally easier to do without a [...]

29 01, 2024

Stepping into Courage with Inversions

2024-01-30T04:02:50+07:00January 29th, 2024|Tags: |

In our lives off the mat, we rarely if ever go upside down. Thus it is quite natural that for many of us the idea of inversions causes some trepidation. However, inverted yoga poses have many positive effects on the body (and the mind). Different inversions have specific benefits, but in general, they stimulate the endocrine, immune, and digestive systems. [...]

19 02, 2023

Observe without Judging

2023-02-19T15:01:37+07:00February 19th, 2023|Tags: |

The highest form of human intelligence is to observe yourself without judging yourself.  –J. Krishnamurti We are constantly engaged in the act of observing. Typically, observing is followed immediately by judgement. The lack of separation between observing and judging causes each observation to lead directly to aversion or attachment. Aversion and attachment in turn are the root causes of suffering, [...]

6 02, 2022

Tuning Up Your Digestion

2022-02-06T16:46:14+07:00February 6th, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

Last week we focused on tuning up our core. This week, I want to apply some of what we have learned there to focus specifically on our digestion. A well-functioning core has tremendous benefits for your digestion. A properly functioning digestive system, in turn, is extremely important for your overall wellbeing. There are a large variety of asanas that promote [...]

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