
21 01, 2024

Pranayama: Why “Breath Control” Is Not the Best Translation

2024-01-22T01:42:21+07:00January 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

Pranayama, one of the core practices of yoga, is often translated as "control of life force" or "breath control". This is so because 'prana' means life force or breath, and ‘yama' means control or restriction. (See the footnote below for a detailed grammatical explanation of the meaning of pranayama). While this is probably the original historical meaning, it is worth [...]

15 10, 2023

Moving from Attention to Awareness

2023-10-15T23:53:30+07:00October 15th, 2023|Tags: , , |

Yoga and meditation teachers often use the words 'attention' and 'awareness' interchangeably. To me they are fundamentally different, as they create two fundamentally different experiences of reality. Attention means being focused on one thing. Awareness means taking in multiple things at once. Focusing on one thing gives us a distorted view of reality, especially when we (as we often do) [...]

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