Last week we focused on tuning up our core. This week, I want to apply some of what we have learned there to focus specifically on our digestion. A well-functioning core has tremendous benefits for your digestion. A properly functioning digestive system, in turn, is extremely important for your overall wellbeing.

There are a large variety of asanas that promote better digestion, including twists, arm balances, inversions, backbends, and forward bends. We’ll be working with all of them this week, helping you improve your digestive health. And when you combine two or more of these categories in one asana, you amplify the digestive benefits even more. One example of such a pose is Halasana (plow pose). It’s a forward bend in shoulderstand, and thus combines forward bending and inversion. One key to ensuring maximum digestive benefit from this week’s practice is to learn to engage your core effectively. One way to emphasize core engagement is through ujjayi breathing, which we will also emphasize this week.

However, for maximum benefit it is also important to learn how to fully relax the core periodically throughout your practice. Being chronically stressed can cause you to tense your core and keep it immobilized. In addition, whenever you are in stress mode, your digestion — and your immune system — get shoved to last place on your body’s priority list. So we’ll focus on relaxation techniques as well this week, including breathing techniques that help you relax your belly muscles and help you disrupt the stress mode.